Public Meetings on Proposed Changes to Metrobus Routes L1, L2, 42, and 43
-Information provided by the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA):

The Washington Area Metropolitan Transit Authority has scheduled two public meetings to solicit further input from riders and stakeholders regarding the agency's proposals for service changes to Metrobus routes L1, L2, 42, and 43.
The information regarding the public meetings is as follows:
Route L1, L2 Public Meeting
Tuesday, June 5th
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Chevy Chase Community Center
5601 Connecticut Avenue NW
Route 42, 43 Public Meeting
Thursday, June 7th
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Columbia Heights Community Center
1480 Girard Street NW
More information regarding the proposed service changes to Metrobus routes L1, L2, 42, and 43 can be found here.