Section 1. The name of this Commission is Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2D “Commission”. It is established by DCL 14-133, as amended. The boundaries of the Commission are those described in that law. ANC 2D consists of two single-member districts (SMD)–2D01 and 2D02.
Section 1. The Commission has the duties and powers described in PL 93-198 and DCL 1-21, as amended, including:
Advise Government: The Commission may advise the District government on matters of public policy including, but not limited to, decisions regarding planning, streets, recreation, social services programs, health, zoning, alcoholic beverage control issues, safety and sanitation. The Commission may present its views to any Federal or District agency or governmental body.
Initiate Proposals: The Commission may initiate its own proposal for District government action.
​Monitor Citizen Complaints: The Commission shall monitor the complaints suggestions and opinions of ANC 2D residents with the respect to the delivery of the District government services.
Annual Report: If the Commission submits an Annual Report to any District government office, the Report shall be approved at an official ANC meeting before it is submitted.
ARTICLE III. Commission Members
Section 1. The Commission shall be composed of those persons duly elected to represent the Single Member Districts within the Commission area.
Section 2. All members shall have equal voting rights following the principle of one person, one vote. There shall be no voting by proxy.
Section 1. The Commission, from its membership, shall elect at a public meeting in January of each year a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
Section 2. Each candidate for office shall be nominated by a member of the commission.
Section 3. When nominations are closed, the voting shall take place as determined by the Commission at that time. However, no secret ballots are allowed.
Section 4. The elected officers shall be elected to serve for one year or until their successors are elected. Their terms of office shall commence at the close of the meeting at which they are elected. In the event of a vacancy, the officer filling the vacant position shall only serve out the term of the officer he or she replaced.
Section 5. A simple majority shall be required for election of officers.
Section 6. If there is a vacancy on the ANC, the Commission shall hold an election to fill the vacant office at the first meeting at which the ANC re-establishes a quorum. If the office of Treasurer becomes vacant, no financial transactions may be undertaken until the vacancy is filled.
Section 7. The Chairperson shall serve as convener of the Commission and shall chair the Commission meetings.
Section 8. The Chairperson shall have the power to call special meetings of the Commission and of the Executive Committee.
Section 9. In the Chairperson's absence, or when the Chairperson wishes to give up the chair, the Vice-Chairperson shall act as the chair.
Section 10. The Secretary shall ensure that minutes are kept for all meetings of the commission and that copies are distributed to all members of the Commission.
Section 11. The Secretary shall ensure that notice is given for all Commission meetings as required by District law.
Section 12. The Secretary shall serve as the central repository of copies of minutes of all standing, special and administrative committees.
Section 13. The Treasurer shall be responsible for developing an annual fiscal year budget, preparing quarterly financial reports, keeping the Commission's financial records and accounts, and for executing its expenditures in accordance with District law.
Section 14. All checks must be signed by two officers one of whom must be either the Treasurer or the Chairperson.
Section 15. The officers shall have the assistance of the Commission staff, if any, in carrying out their duties as may be required.
Section 16. The Commission may contract needed staff assistance for public purposes within its neighborhood commission area. Employees of the Commission can only be hired on a part-time basis in accordance with budgetary allocations. Any employee must be approved by the Commission and will be supervised by the Chairperson.
Section 1. Each January the Commission shall decide on a schedule of meeting times and places for the next 12 months. The Commission, however, may modify the schedule if necessary. In case of an emergency, the Chairperson may reschedule the meeting time or location.
Section 2. The Commission will hold at least nine monthly public meetings with notice having been given in two different ways in accordance with the DC Official Code.
Section 3. Either Commissioner may request that a matter be put to a vote.
Section 4. No official action may be taken by the Commission unless a quorum is present and a majority of those "voting yea or nay" vote in favor of the action. In other words, passage of a motion requires two votes in favor or one vote in favor and one abstention.
Section 5. A quorum shall consist of both Commissioners. No official action may be taken by the Commission unless a quorum is present. However, Commission meetings may take place with only one Commissioner present.
Section 6. Special meetings of the Commission can be called by either Commissioner.
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of both Commissioners.
Section 2. The Executive Committee of the Commission shall have the authority to establish special committees.
Section 3. The Executive Committee of the Commission shall have the power to act on behalf of the Commission in emergency situations.
Section 4. Both members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
Section 5. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the Chairperson.
Section 1. There shall be two categories of committees, standing committees and special committees. Standing committees are those created permanently by majority vote of the Commission. Special committees are those created temporarily by the Chairperson and approved by the Commission at a public meeting. The purpose of these committees shall be to assist in the identification and resolution of neighborhood or city-wide matters of
Section 2. In accordance with District law, the chairmanship of each Commission committee or task force shall be open to any resident of the Commission area. The chairperson of each such committee or task force shall be appointed by the Commission.
Section 3. The Chairperson shall ensure that items requiring committee action are referred to the appropriate committee(s) on receipt.
Section 4. Committee recommendations for Commission action will be placed on the agenda for the first ANC meeting after they are adopted, if requested by the Committee.
Section 5. Committee proposals, submitted in accordance with Section 4 of this Article, shall be placed on the agenda of Commission meeting.
Section 1. The Commission may adopt rules to implement the requirements of these Bylaws and to enhance the efficiency and operation of the Commission. The rules may be adopted or amended by majority vote at any Commission meeting.
Section 2. The Commission requires that the use of the office, if any, and supplies shall meet the "public purpose" test with both Commissioners having equal access to both the office and supplies.
Section 3. The Chairperson or designee shall ensure that constituent recommendations are referred to the proper Commission Committee, Task Force or government agency for action.
Section 1. Roberts' Rules of Order shall govern the Commission except where they are not consistent with District law, these bylaws or any standing rules the Commission may adopt.
Section 1. Revision to these Bylaws requires both Commissioners to concur.
Section 2. Any amendment to the Bylaws may be proposed by any resident of ANC2D. This proposal must be in writing and submitted to a Commissioner or announced at a public meeting. Should the proposed amendment be received ten (10) days prior to the next scheduled Meeting, it will appear on the agenda for that meeting where it will be discussed and duly voted on by the Commission. If a proposed amendment to the Bylaws is announced at a public meeting, where minutes are being recorded, the Commission may decide whether to discuss and vote on the proposal or to postpone the matter until the next ANC meeting.
Section 2. These Bylaws and any proposed changes shall be consistent with all Congressional and District legislation and other applicable laws regarding ANCs. Any inconsistencies are null and void.
Adopted January 23, 2012