Neighborhood Information
Sheridan-Kalorama Neighborhood Information
Sheridan-Kalorama Historical Association (SKHA)
The Sheridan-Kalorama Historic District is listed on both the DC Inventory of Historic Sites and the National Register for Historic Sites. It's significant as a residential enclave characterized by buildings designed by locally and nationally prominent architects. The Sheridan-Kalorama Historical Association works hand-in-hand with the DC Historic Preservation Office, the ANC, and S-K property owners to ensure that new construction and alterations to existing buildings, streets, and landscape are done in a manner determined to be compatible with the reasons for which the district was designated. Meetings are scheduled monthly as needed.
Kindy French, President & Review Committee Chair: (202) 332-8263, kindyf@verizon.net
Donna Hays, Vice President: (202) 265-5606, donnasmithhays@gmail.com
Holly Sukenik, Secretary/Treasurer: (202) 332-2952, hsukenik@hotmail.com
Sheridan-Kalorama Neighborhood Council (SKNC)
For more than 50 years the SKNC has served as the neighborhood association for Sheridan-Kalorama, working to preserve and enhance the area as a desirable residential community. It opposes the encroachment of non-residential uses and addresses other neighborhood issues. The SKNC’s activities, such as challenges to chancery expansions and the non-residential use of buildings and efforts to further define zoning for diplomatic use, are exclusively dependent on financial donations and the personal support of neighborhood residents. Contributions are tax deductible.
Don Friedman, President: dfriedman@perkinscoie.com
Doug LaBossiere, Treasurer: dlaboss@comcast.net
Marie Drissel, Secretary: marie.drissel@verizon.net
Friends of Mitchell Park (FOMP)
Mitchell Park is THE place to find adults and children playing and just relaxing, all enjoying time in an inviting landscape; S-K’s largest green space is tucked between S Street and Bancroft Place, 23rd St. and Kalorama Square NW. The Park provides playground equipment, a multipurpose court for basketball, pickle ball and other activities, a large open field, picnic tables and benches for everyone’s enjoyment. Plantings and trees are maintained by Friends of Mitchell Park (FOMP) through generous contributions of money and volunteer time from neighbors. A regular Newsletter provides information on special events and maintenance issues.
Rob Nevitt, President: rnevitt562@gmail.com
Holly Sukenik, Vice President: hsukenik@hotmail.com
Website: www.mitchellparkdc.org
Call Box Project
Click here for map of the call boxes
Who knew? Abandoned police and fire call boxes functional from 1864 through the 1970s can be reconstituted to create public art and reveal some local history. And that is just what a committee of S-K residents did. Results? Look around as you walk the neighborhood. Those burgundy boxes with accents of real gold invite you to pause and savor some original art while learning more about aspects of our neighborhood's history. There are sixteen restored call-boxes and each composition describes something about our history, architecture or notable individuals who lived in the neighborhood.
Rob Nevitt, Chair: rnevitt562@gmail.com
Betty Kotcher, Vice Chair: bkotcher@gmail.com
Holly Sukenik, Treasurer: hsukenik@hotmail.com
Website: www.sheridankaloramacallbox.org
Spanish Steps Preservation Project and Endowment Fund
This impressive historical architectural landmark, at 22nd Street & Decatur Place, is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. It is a contributing feature of the Sheridan-Kalorama Historic District and serves as a focal point of the Sheridan-Kalorama neighborhood. The Foundation, which works with the Department of Parks and Recreation, supports efforts to preserve the unique character of the steps and the adjacent Decatur Terrace. The group’s Endowment Fund seeks neighborhood contributions to assist with their efforts to maintain and improve the steps. This is a popular wedding venue. Interested couples need to obtain a permit from DPR and contact the Vice President for guidelines.
David Bender, President: DBenderPhd@aol.com
Debbi Rider, Vice President: debbierider@comcast.net
Holly Sukenik, Treasurer: hsukenik@hotmail.com
David Deckelbaum, Secretary: ddeckelbaum@settlementcorp.com
At-Large Members:
Joyce O'Brien: obrienjw400@gmail.com
Susan Galbraith: susankgalbraith@gmail.com
Randolph Adams: radams@mcwb.com
Restore Mass Avenue
Founded in 2006, RMA’s mission is to engage residents, embassies, and public and private partners to plant and sustain a full canopy of major trees on Embassy Row, Washington DC’s premier diplomatic avenue. A volunteer-run group, RMA promotes restoration of the complete historic landscape, creating greenspace for the city. RMA has arranged for the planting of about 600 new trees and organized care for about 1,200 important trees. We make Embassy Row a living classroom by teaching tree care to embassy staff, residents and volunteer “Treekeepers.” We pushed for tree protections during the city’s Mass Ave rebuilding project (MARP), first in the planning process and during the lengthy construction. Also we are pushing for more trees to shade the present “heat island” where Mass Ave meets Dupont Circle. In 2022 with local civic partners RMA secured funds for the city to build a “tree plaza” there. It is now being planned, but we expect more funds will be needed to realize our vision. Our program of local tree stewardship along Embassy Row remains the core of our work.
Deborah Shapley, Founder & President: restoremassave@gmail.com
Holly Sukenik: hsukenik@hotmail.com
Claire Wagner, Treasurer: clairierre@verizon.net
Website: www.restoremassave.org
Belmont Road Park
The newest organization in Sheridan-Kalorama was formed to support Belmont Road Park behind the French and Portuguese Embassies and the Chinese Embassy housing complex. (Enter off of Kalorama Circle NW). The Department of Parks and Recreation has cleared the area and put up a fence and seating has been added. This new park has amazing possibilities and those involved want to hear your ideas for promoting enjoyment of the public space.
Kindy French, President: kindyf@verizon.net
Marie Drissel, Vice President: Marie.Drissel@verizon.net
Holly Sukenik, Treasurer: hsukenik@hotmail.com
Important City Contacts
911: Police, Fire, and Ambulance Emergency and Non-Emergency

311 Call Center
Info: 24-hour central hotline to request city services from trash pick-up to traffic signals
Phone: 311
Web: http://311.dc.gov
Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration
Info: Hotline to report liquor license establishment compliants and violations
Phone: (202) 442-4423
Web: http://abra.dc.gov

Office of Ward 2 Councilmember Brooke Pinto
Info: Councilmember Pinot represents Sheridan-Kalorama on the DC Council
Phone: (202) 724-8058
Web: https://dccouncil.us/council/ward-2-councilmember-brooke-pinto/

Mayor's Office of Community Relations and Services
Info: Ensures open communication between DC residents and the Executive Office of the Mayor
Phone: (202) 442-8150
Web: http://mocrs.dc.gov
DC Hypothermia Hotline
Info: 24-hour hotline to report a homeless individual out in the cold during hypothermia season
Phone: (202) 399-7093
Web: http://dhs.dc.gov/service/hypo-hyperthermia-watch