Acting Director of OFM and Director of DDOT to Speak at ANC 2D’s March Meeting
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2D is pleased to announce that Cliff Seagroves, the Acting Director of the U.S. Department of State’s Office of Foreign Missions, and Jeff Marootian, the Director of the District Department of Transportation, will speak during the ANC’s March 2018 meeting.
As Acting Director of the Office of Foreign Missions (OFM), Mr. Seagroves oversees the office charged with the regulation of the activities of foreign missions in the United States, the protection of the United States public from abuses of privileges and immunities by members of the foreign mission, and the provision of service and assistance to the foreign mission community in the United States to assure appropriate privileges, benefits, and services on a reciprocal basis.
As Director of the District Department of Transportation (DDOT), Mr. Marootian oversees the agency whose mission is to enhance the quality of life for District residents and visitors by ensuring that people, goods, and information move efficiently and safely, with minimal adverse impact on residents and the environment. DDOT’s responsibilities include maintenance of the District’s roadways, alleys, and sidewalks; oversight of the DC Circulator, DC Streetcar, and Capital Bikeshare services; management of the use and occupancy of public space; planting and maintenance of the District’s street trees; and management of the District’s traffic signals and street parking spaces, among other responsibilities.
Both Mr. Seagroves and Mr. Marootian will make short presentations before allowing ample time for comments and questions. Neighborhood residents are heavily encouraged to attend this informative meeting.
The ANC’s meeting will take place on Monday, March 19th at 7:00 pm at Our Lady Queen of the Americas Church, 2200 California Street NW. The meeting agenda can be found here. Please let Commission Chair David Bender know if you have any questions regarding the meeting.